In a recent interview with Greg Fischer, founder of Force Multiplier Strategy, critical insights were shared on driving growth for B2B SaaS companies. With over two decades of experience in creative advertising and a mission to help brands deliver more value, Fischer offers a blend of strategy aimed at eliminating waste, unlocking brand potential, and driving impactful actions.

Focus on the Why, Customer, and Team Unity

Fischer emphasizes the importance of having a clear focus on your brand’s “why,” understanding your customer’s needs, and ensuring team unity. These fundamentals are key for any business, but especially for B2B SaaS companies dealing with long decision journeys and multiple touchpoints. A well-articulated brand story, understanding of customer needs across their journey, and a unified team effort are essential for sustainable growth.

Overcoming Growth Barriers: Silos and Customer-Centricity

Silos within an organization can significantly hinder growth by creating a disjointed customer experience. Fischer suggests a ruthless customer-centered approach to overcome this barrier, advocating for a seamless relay race-like handoff between teams to smooth over customer journey transitions. Knowledge democratization within the company is also crucial to foster a winning team spirit and eliminate operational inefficiencies that impact customer satisfaction.

The Complexity of the Customer Journey

Understanding the modern B2B customer journey is challenging due to its complexity and the multitude of channels and touchpoints. Fischer recommends close collaboration with sales teams, leveraging their insights for a deeper understanding of customer needs and decision-making processes. By focusing on business-to-human interactions, B2B marketers can better address both organizational and personal needs of their prospects, significantly improving conversion and retention rates.

Learning from B2C: Business to Humans

Fischer highlights the potential for B2B marketers to learn from B2C practices, particularly the emphasis on addressing human needs and behaviors. Recognizing that behind every B2B decision is a human trying to make the best choice for their organization and their career can lead to more effective marketing strategies. Tailoring solutions that not only solve organizational problems but also support the personal ambitions of decision-makers can be a powerful growth driver.

Recommendations for Growth

To drive growth, companies should start by ensuring their brand messaging is clear and resonant. Identifying and addressing gaps in the customer journey, focusing on capturing existing demand, and aligning marketing efforts with the brand story are crucial steps. Fischer also stresses the importance of improving the ‘batting average’ by optimizing each stage of the funnel, rather than solely focusing on filling the top of the funnel with more leads.


Greg Fischer’s insights underscore the importance of a customer-centric approach, the power of a unified brand story, and the necessity of breaking down operational silos for B2B SaaS companies aiming for growth. By adopting a business-to-human perspective and focusing on enhancing the customer journey, companies can unlock new growth opportunities and build stronger, more resilient relationships with their customers.